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What Are The Most Common Trip Hazards Around A Pool Deck?

Even though there are many families that are looking forward to spending some time around the pool this summer, there are also some common trip hazards that people need to think about. Slip and fall injuries are a major cause of traumatic accidents; however, it is also possible to prevent these accidents from happening. If homeowners are able to consider a few common causes of slip and fall accidents, it might be possible to prevent injuries. What are some of the most common trip hazards around the pool deck?

Algae Around The Pool Deck
While this might not necessarily be a trip hazard, it is one of the most common causes of falls. Algae bloom in moist, humid conditions, which is why this is commonly found on pool decks. It is important for homeowners to make sure they clean the pool deck thoroughly before opening it for the summer months. This means removing slick algae that might be growing on the pool deck. There are special cleaning chemicals that can keep algae at bay.

Loose Towels On The Deck
Another common cause of trip hazards is loose towels balled up and tossed on the pool deck. There is a quick texture change from the pool deck to the feeling of a towel, so it is very easy to trip and fall on towels that have not been put away. Watch out for this common trip hazard.

Chairs That Are Too Close To The Deck
There are lots of people who like to move their chairs closer to the pool deck so they can cool off and relax in the sun; however, the legs of chairs can also lead to trip hazards. It is important for pool owners to watch carefully for chairs that might have migrated too close to the edge of the pool.

Pool Toys That Are Not Put Away
Finally, pool toys can also be a common trip hazard. Everyone should remind their friends and family members to put away their pool toys when they are done using them. If pool toys are left out, they can lead to trip and fall accidents as well.

Keep these trip hazards in mind and keep the pool deck safe this summer.

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